Sistem Akuisisi Data Multi Node untuk Irigasi Otomatis Berbasis Wireless Sensor Network
Abstract: Watering plants is
one of farmer’s activities. Most of Indonesian farmers use traditional watering
method to water plants. It causes water productivity unmanaged properly and
soil moisture level can not be monitored. To resolve these problems, an
automatic watering system is developed. This system uses soil moisture sensors
which provide real-time data. Data from multiple sensor node will be
transmitted through wireless sensor network. LED in actuator node will turn on
or off based on lower and upper set point values transmitted from coordinator
node. Soil moisture sensors are calibrated using groundwater level to obtain
correlation between sensor and groundwater level. Delay, throughput, and packet
loss ratio are measured and result 0.2 seconds, 1.6 kbps, and 1.6%,
respectively. These values showed that all automatic watering system were well
Penulis: Chaerur Rozikin, Heru
Sukoco, Satyanto Krido Saptomo
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170183