Rancang Bangun Sistem Pembacaan Jumlah Konsumsi Air Pelanggan PDAM Berbasis Mikrokontroler ATMEGA328 Dilengkapi SMS
ABSTRACT: PDAM is still using
analog flow meter. For PDAM customers, the information on analog flow meter are
difficult to access and converted into payment amount. The system with analog
read, PDAM officer was recorded by manual methods of data customer on the
amount of water consumption. In this research using a water flow sensor
YF-S201. Microcontroller ATmega328 receives the output pulses from the sensor.
LCD is display information usage amount, time and date in real time. The module
IComSat v1.1-SIM900 GSM / GPRS Shield SMS sending SMS based commands received
from the customer and PDAM officer. The results achieved in this research is a
sensor YF-S201 is able to read the amount of water consumed PDAM customers with
an average deviation of 0.39%. The tests showed the result of conversion of
payment are in accordance with the PDAM payment model in Gianyar district.
Penulis: I Made Nova Suardiana
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170047