Evaluasi Kompleksitas Pendekodean MAP pada Kode BCH Berdasarkan Trellis Terbagi
Abstract: Soft decoding of
block codes can be done by representing the block code into the trellis. One
method of soft decoding commonly used is the maximum a posteriori probability
(MAP). However, the implementation of this method requires a high computational
complexity. Reducing the complexity can be done by changing the trellis shape
of the block code. This paper shows the process of the block code’s trellis
formation and the evaluation of computational complexity and bit error ratio
for every trellis shape of block codes. The evaluation of codes using the MAP
method is compared to the evaluation of the soft output Viterbi algorithm
(SOVA) method. The result shows that soft decoding using MAP method is better
than soft coding using SOVA method and hard decoding method.
Penulis: Emir Husni, Dimas
Kode Jurnal: jptlisetrodd170185