Simple Screening for High-Risk Pregnancies in Rural Areas Based on an Expert System

Abstract: The high maternal and infant mortality rates in developing countries, especially Indonesia, are quite alarming. There are many factors that cause high mortality numbers; one of them is the delay in handling cases of high-risk pregnancies. The main problem faced by developing countries is the lack of health facilities, including medical equipment and human resources. This research aims to develop a imple system that can be used to screen high-risk pregnancies. This system is based on an expertsystem. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method is used in making decisions about potentially high-risk pregnancy patients. Essentially, the system can be used by anyone, anywhere, to carry out earlyscreening of high-risk pregnancy patients, so that delays in the treatment of these patients can be resolved, because the symptoms of high-risk pregnancy are known from the beginning. Results indicate that this system shows promise for further development.
Keywords: Maternal Mortality, High Risk Pregnancies, Developing Countries, Expert System, Analytical Hierarchy Process
Author: Retno Supriyanti
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150037

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