Determining Trust Scope Attributes Using Goodness of Fit Test: A Survey

Abstract:Indonesian, as one of the countries with high number of internet users has the potential to serveas the place with great information resources. However, these resources must be accompanied by the availability of dependable information. Information trustworthiness can be obtained by assessing the confidence level (trust) of the source of information. This can be determined by using trust scope attributes. Hence, in this study, we intended to establish the trust scope attributes by means of utilizing the ones contained in the User Profile provided by social media; in this case Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Linkedin. We carried out the research by conducting four stages namely data collection, attributes grouping, attribute selection, and surveys. The data collected originated from the User Profile contents of the 4 social media researched: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn. A survey was then distributed to 257 randomly selected respondents (divided into two clusters: civilians and military officers) to seek for their opinions in terms of what attributes were considered to be crucial in defining the believability of an information source. Chi-square Goodness of fit Test was conducted to compare observed data with data we would expect to obtain. The results of the research suggested that there was similar judgment in terms of dictating source of information trustworthiness chosen by the research participants with the attributesprovided by trust scope category. In this research, both civilians and military officer clusters concurrentlyperceived that educational background was the most dependable attribute. They subsequently indicatedthat the place where a person studies, occupation, and place of work were essential attributes to ensure a source of information trustworthiness.
Keywords: Referral Trust, Functional Trust, Trust Scope, Trust Scope Attributes, Goodness of Fit Test Chi-Square
Author: Titin Pramiyati
Journal Code: jptkomputergg150026

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