Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Dana Bos Berbasis Web Di Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur
Abstract: School Operational
Assistance/Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) is a further development of the
Social Safety Net (SSN) in Education, BOS is intended as a subsidy SchoolOperational
Cost to all learners of compulsory education. The Activity Budget Plan of
School(RKAS) and quarterly fund usage report is needed to deliver the fund of
BOS to school. When the school is late in delivering RKAS and fund usage report
to the East Java Provincial Education Office, the BOS fund delivery and
supervision of the BOS fund usage will not run smoothly. Based on these
problems, The BOS Information Systems Based On Web is create. In this system
there isan input form of RKAS reporting and input form quarterly reporting, and
also the pages thatprovide information about the BOS fund for the school, and
reminders for collecting the reports. Ifthe school did not do the reporting,
the system will send a warning messages to the school-related accounts.
Conclusion of the trials that have been conducted, The BOS Information Systems
able toproduce three (3) reports which is RKAS reports, quarterly report and
summary report that can be used by the head of BOS team of evaluation and
supervision on the usage of the BOS fund.
Penulis: Noveri Ikhsan
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160708