Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Peramalan Permintaan Obat Menggunakan Metode Trend Exponential pada Rumah Sakit Petrokimia Gresik
Abstract: Petrokimia Gresik
Hospital is one of the major hospitals in Gresik. The problems faced by them is
the demand for medicine are often not fulfilled. Based on these problems will
require medicine demand forecasting application. Forecasting is very important
in decision making. They requiredemand forecasting to ensure the booking amount
of medicine. One method of forecasting is TrendExponential. This method was
chosen because it is based on existing data on companies that show a pattern
trend. This method allows the demand forecast for the period ahead with. The
expectedoutcomes of this app is it can predict the demand forecast for the
period ahead, and also to helpfacilitate the process of forecasting demand for
Keywords: Forecasting, Trend
Exponential, Demand
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160617