Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Penjualan Pakaian Pada Toko Denim Goods Surabaya
Abstract: Denim Goods is a
stores that have average sales of approximately 150 transactions per mounth
with the average income per month amounted to sixty million rupiah. With a
large number of transactions at stores, stores manager have difficulty in doing
data processing which includes the recording of incoming goods, sales transactions,
best goods selling transactions, purchase reports, sales reports and reports of
clothes stock. During this time the store is still applying the manual system
and still use the notes in the recording of sales. Based on these problems then
created an application that consist of sales transaction, the purchase transaction
and the reports. The results showed that the application is able to use to make
sales at clothing stores Denim Goods Surabaya. This is apparent from the
application that can perform storage sales and purchase transactions, as well
as being able to generate a report of the transactions that have occurred in
the store during this time.
Penulis: Muchamad Farid
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160625