Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pengolahan Nilai Rapor dengan Menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 di SMK Negeri 1 Cerme
Abstract: Processing value of
final report in SMK Negeri 1 Cerme should be based on the curriculum of 2013.
Problem that occurs is that every teacher must learn the value of charging too much
and more difficult than the previous curriculum. There are subjects where the
values of knowledge consists of the daily value, midterm exam and final exams.
The second value is a skillthat consists of the value of the practice, the
value of the project and the value of the portfolio, andthe last value is
attitude that consist of the value of observations, self-assessment, peer
assessmentand the value of the journal.. After having the value of knowledge,
skills and attitude then dochecking on the value of the minimum completeness
criteria, if the value is in compliance thencalculated the ledger value from
all values. After the interval values are converted according to standards that
have been defined on the SMK, which will be obtained predicate value and thevalue
of the description.With the application for processing the value of report
cards, is expected value will be arranged neatly, and can control the value
easily, because there will be a notification regarding the value has not been
entered. The headmaster also facilitated in monitoring development of value
each lesson. While students will also easy to see the value they get fromteaching
and learning activities at this time.
Penulis: Muhammad Ramzi
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160722