Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Pelayanan Dan Rekam Medis Calon Tenaga Kerja Indonesia Pada AL-HUDA MEDICAL CENTER
Abstract: There are five main
problems found in the AL-Huda Medical Cente, they are: (1) all data reports
consisting of registration to medical record database is still in paper-based
documents, (2) theregistration number is processed manually, (3) there is no
barcode in health certificate, (4) specimen is labelled using handwriting (5)
registration report, medical record, form, and film paper is done manually in
terms of calculation and writing. The solution offered for the aforementioned
problems is developing a web-based application which is able to manage service
process, medical record, and report. Furthermore, this application provides
health certificate which fulfills the standardization of the destination
country of CTKI. This application also offers the more accurate reports
compared topaper-based documentation. The design method that used in this
matter is UML based ICONIX Process. Based on the results of the test conducted
using blackbox-testing method on this application,the application has met the
criteria of administration need of data record registration process and medical
record, health certificate publication, and the report which fulfills
management needs.
Penulis: Hilmy Nur Ramdhani
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160636