Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Analisis Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada PDAM Surya Sembada Kota Surabaya
Abstract: Regional Water
Company (PDAM) Surabaya is an engaged instantion in the field of public
service. One of the company's mission is to provide superior service to its
customers. Thus the analysis of customer satisfaction becomes important to know
whether a given service in accordance with the wishes of the customer. There is
the problem based on the analysis of customer satisfaction. It is how to
analyze customer satisfaction and generate a report that will be used as a
repair and improvement of customer service quality. Analysis of customer
satisfaction application is the solution to these problems, where the
application can perform in the process of surveying, data analysis, and
reporting of analytical results. Customers can fill a questionnaire online,
after that the data collected will be analyzed by using a characteristics
calculation system, satisfaction index, and the importance of performance
analysis. the analysis results will be a reported and will be used by the
management of PDAM Surabaya as an evaluation of service quality
Keywords: Analysis of Customer
Satisfaction, Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance Performance Analysis,
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Penulis: Oktavianus Eko
Pambudi Adi Nugroho
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160706