Analisis Pengaruh Kualitas Website Terhadap Kepuasan Pengguna Berdasarkan Metode Webqual 4.0 Pada Universitas Narotama
Abstract: Website is one
source of information that is essential, including in college, for that reason
important held management website. Narotama University is one of private university based technology
in east java, has a website Until now has never been
evaluation on the quality website of Narotama University. To measure the
website quality of Narotama University, has been done with analyzing influence
of Information Quality , Interaction , and website used towards User
Satisfaction . Analyzing the website quality has been done through several
stages such as collecting the data by interviewing some sources and did an
observations as well. Furthermore, analyzing by using webqual method through
preparing questionnaire based on the dimension of webqual. The phase of this
analysis is using Multiple Linear Regression. Meanwhile, the prerequisite test
has been done to test the validity, reliability, assumptions and testing the
regression coefficients at the same time and partial. The result of these tests
showed that the variable of quality information has a positive and significant
effect toward users’ satisfaction. However, there are still needs an evaluation
and improvement based on an indicators of webqual.
Penulis: Edelwy Apriliana
Wawolumaya, Dewi yani Sunarto, Sri Hariani Eko Wulandari
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160583