Analisis dan Desain Sistem Informasi Akademik Pada SMP AlFalah Assalam Tropodo 2 Sidoarjo

Abstract: Junior High School Al-Falah Assalam Tropodo 2 Sidoarjo is a fullday private school which stood in the shade of an institution named Lembaga Pendidikan Al-Falah Tropodo 2 (AsSalam). Junior High School Al-Falah Assalam Tropodo 2 has a number of students ranging from grade 7 to grade 9 as many as 630 students, at any level of the hierarchy there are 7 classes and eachclass has 30 students. The determination of the value of report cards the students in Junior HighSchool of Al-Falah had 4 standard grades students include daily value, value, value daily exams midterm and semester final exam grades. Teachers should maintenance the whole value of the students, the value of behavioral and attitude data check absentee students. With an average of everyteacher owns 6 class then the process of making raport seized many of the working time of teachers.Based on the above issues, the school wanted to devise a system of academic information wake. As the first step, the school wanted to do analysis and design system for academic Information on SMP AlFalah Assalam Tropodo 2 Sidoarjo, however because the schools themselves do not know in detail what is needed in the Academic information system is then in this research will be performed needs analysis system and do a system design is expected to be developed and help the work of the school and the parents in the development of the students.
Keywords: Academic information systems, administration, analysis and design
Penulis: Meidiana Puspitarini
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd160753

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