Using LMDI approach to analyze changes in carbon dioxide emissions of China’s logistics industry
Abstract: China is confronting
with tremendous pressure in carbon emission reduction. While logistics industry
seriously relies on fossil fuel, and emits greenhouse gas, especially carbon
dioxide. The aim of this article is to estimate the carbon dioxide emission in
China’s logistics sector, and analyze the causes for the change of carbon
dioxide emission, and identify the critical factors which mainly drive the
change in carbon dioxide emissions of China’s logistics industry.
Design/methodology/approach: The logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI)
method has often been used to analyze decomposition of energy consumption and
carbon emission due to its theoretical foundation, adaptability, ease of use
and result interpretation. So we use the LMDI method to analyze the changes in
carbon dioxide emission in China’s logistics industry in this paper.
Findings: By analyzing carbon dioxide emission of China’s logistics, the
results show that the carbon dioxide emission of logistics in China has
increased by 21.5 times, from 45.1 million tons to 1014.1 million tons in the
research period. The highway transport is the main contributor to carbon
dioxide emission in logistics industry. The energy intensity and carbon dioxide
emission factors were contributing to the reduction of carbon dioxide emission
in China’s logistics industry in overall study period.
Originality/value: Although there are a lot of literature analyzed carbon
dioxide emission in many industry sectors, for example manufacturing, iron and
steel , pulp and paper, cement, glass industry, and so on. However, few
scholars researched on carbon dioxide emission in logistics industry. This the
first study is in the context of carbon dioxide emission of China’s logistics
Author: Ying Dai, Jing Zhu,
Han Song
Journal Code: jptindustrigg150072