Selection of the optimal number of shifts in fuzzy environment: manufacturing company’s facility application
Abstract: This paper addresses
the selection of optimal shift numbers considering inventory information, customer
requirements and machine reliability using fuzzy logic. Number of shift is one
of the most important criteria for the production planners to minimize the
production costs and is essential for appropriate production planning. The main
task involves optimizing the shift periods considering constraints of raw
material, due date, demand, finished goods inventory and machine breakdown. A
model is developed for any kind of manufacturing company where shift periods
affect company’s profit and cost. Fuzzy control is used to optimize the number
of shifts under the constraints of raw material, due date, demand, finished
goods inventory and machine breakdown. MATLAB Fuzzy Logic Tool Box is used to
develop the model.
Author: Sanjoy Kumar Paul,
Abdullahil Azeem
Journal Code: jptindustrigg100012