Risk matrix model applied to the outsourcing of logistics' activities
Abstract: This paper proposes
the application of the risk matrix model in the field of logistics outsourcing.
Such an application can serve as the basis for decision making regarding the
conduct of a risk management in the logistics outsourcing process and allow its
Design/methodology/approach: This study is based on the risk management
of logistics outsourcing in the field of the retail sector in Morocco. The
authors identify all possible risks and then classify and prioritize them using
the Risk Matrix Model. Finally, we have come to four possible decisions for the
identified risks. The analysis was made possible through interviews and
discussions with the heads of departments and agents who are directly involved
in each outsourced activity.
Findings and Originality/value: It is possible to improve the risk matrix
model by proposing more personalized prevention measures according to each
company that operates in the mass-market retailing.
Originality/value: This study is the only one made in the process of
logistics outsourcing in the retail sector in Morocco through Label’vie as a
case study. First, we had identified as thorough as we could all possible
risks, then we applied the Risk Matrix Model to sort them out in an ascending
order of importance and criticality. As a result, we could hand out to the
decision-makers the mapping for an effective control of risks and a better
guiding of the process of risk management.
Author: Fouad Jawab, Jabir
Journal Code: jptindustrigg150082