Reverse Logistics: RFID the key to optimality
Abstract: Purpose: The purpose
of this paper is to find ways to reduce uncertainties in Reverse logistic
supply chain (RLSC) through the use of Radio-frequency identification (RFID)
Design/methodology/approach: This paper reviews literature and builds
model to relate RFID with uncertainties in order to optimize Reverse Logistics.
Findings: RFID is really efficient to determine and detect quantity,
variety and cycle times of returns; however it's not as convenient to determine
quality of the returns. The collected information from RFID can be used to
standardize the RLSC.
Research limitations: Though it’s several and unique advantages some
limitations of RFID have been identified in quality and processing sequence,
collecting points and different standards, and in global usage.
Originality/value: Previous studies in the area of Reverse Logistics and
RFID don’t cover all impacts of this technology on RLSC. This review paper has
investigated these impacts and offers a model for optimizing the Reverse
Logistics Supply Chain.
Author: Rezwan Asif
Journal Code: jptindustrigg110028