Order allocation in a multi-supplier environment: review of the literature since 2007
Abstract: Optimal order
allocation on the part of the buyer in a multi-supplier environment has become
a major concern in supply chains. There
are numerous articles that analyze and present models for optimizing order
allocation from a given panel of suppliers. The purpose of this paper is to
provide an analysis on this topic which considers: (i) aims, (ii) results,
(iii) model complexity, and (iv) resolution procedures.
Design/methodology/approach: The paper reviews twenty-eight articles,
twenty-one of them published since 2007 in journals indexed by Journal Citation
Reports (in ISI Web of Knowledge) on this topic.
Findings and Originality/value: This review reveals four main aspects
mentioned as determinant in generating mathematical models. The analysis of
these four points does not allow for a single, overarching model. Rather, all
analyzed solutions reflect and respond to a specific company environment.
Originality/value: A global analysis on several recent papers, describing
main aspects wich determines optimal order allocation in multi-supplier
Author: Joan Ignasi Molinè,
Anna Maria Coves
Journal Code: jptindustrigg130034