Efficiency of the supply chain collaborative technological innovation in China: An empirical study based on DEA analysis
Abstract: This paper is an
attempt to investigate the current issues and development of the supply chain
collaborative technological innovation in China.
Design/methodology/approach: DEA is employed to measure the efficiency of
the supply chain collaborative technological innovation.
Findings: From the results of this research, we can get the conclusion
that there are big spaces for improvement for the selected companies in terms
of supply chain collaborative technological innovation, especially in the
collaborative benefit aspect. The efficiencies of the supply chain
collaborative technological innovation in the selected companies vary a lot.
Research limitations: More industries are needed to generalize the
Practical implications: Our practical recommendations for improving
supply chain companies in terms of improving their collaborative technological innovation
efficiency are: (1) expanding the cooperative scope; (2) optimizing the
collaboration operations; (3) improving the compactness in supply chain; (4)
increasing the innovation input; and (5) improving the knowledge exchange
Originality/value: The evaluation and the measure of the efficiency of
performance of the collaborative technological innovation both in theory and in
practice have been proven to be very important and quite complex, and there
have been limited researches in the current literature. From observations,
however, the efficiency of supply chain collaborative technological innovation
is relatively low. This research investigates the current issues and
development of the supply chain collaborative technological innovation in China,
and provides the guideline in terms of improving the efficiency of supply chain
collaborative technological innovation.
Author: Huaping Zhang
Journal Code: jptindustrigg150090