A conceptual assessment model to identify phase of industrial cluster life cycle in Indonesia
Abstract: The purpose of this
research is to develop an assessment model to identify phase of industrial
cluster life cycle which comprises definition of the cycle phases,
identification of assessment components, and characterization of each phase of
cluster life cycle.
Design/methodology/approach: This research uses the Delphi method to
develop the conceptual model i.e. define phases of cluster life cycle and
identify assessment components, and design typology of cluster life cycle.
Findings: The proposed indicators used to assess industrial cluster
phases are (i) concentration of industry, (ii) market accessibility, (iii)
completeness of actors, and (iv) collaboration of stakeholders.
Research limitations/implications: This study developed a conceptual
model based on expert opinion in Indonesia. Given the limitations of experts in
this field in Indonesia, it is necessary to develop advanced research involving
more experts and if possible, to involve experts outside Indonesia.
Practical implications: This paper provides an assessment conceptual
model to identify phase of industrial cluster life cycle. The objective of
assessing industrial cluster phases is to evaluate and improve the condition of
industrial clusters and as basis for formulation policy interventions in
accordance with each phase of cluster life cycle. The final results of this
study are the position of each cluster on their life cycle, which reflects the
condition of each industrial cluster. On a practical level, the assessment
result could be used to improve the competitiveness of industrial sectors and
help local and central government to formulate appropriate policy
Originality/value: The paper provides an assessment conceptual model to
identify phases of industrial cluster life cycle, which include definition
phases, assessment components and typology of each phase of cluster life cycle
based on assessment criteria. Research in this field was rarely done by the
other researchers.
Keywords: assessment
conceptual model, identify phase, industrial cluster, life cycle, policy
Author: Naniek Utami
Handayani, Andi Cakravastia, Lucia Diawati, Senator Nur Bahagia
Journal Code: jptindustrigg120020