Abstract: The focus of the study is the politics of the Sundanese Kingdom administration during a period when the power was centered in Kawali-Galuh. Astana Gede Kawali is a historical site that used to be the center of the Sundanese kingdom as solidly proven by the existence of a number of remaining historical plaques found in the site.  The study employed a four-step historical method that involved heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The main concept underlying the study is Montesquieu’s Division of Power, also known as the Trias Politica. In general, the politics of the Sundanese kingdom administration remained unchanged despite the shifts of the administrative center to Galuh, Kawali, and Pakuan. The Sundanese kingdoms actually adopted a unique concept called Tri Tangtu di Buana, according to which administrative power was distributed triadically among Prebu, Rama, and Resi. The concept of Tri Tangtu Buana is similar to that of Montesquieu’s Trias Politica, which is commonly adopted by today’s modern states.
Keywords: Tri Tangtu di Buana, Kawali-Galuh
Author: Widyonugrahanto, Nina Herlina Lubis, Mumuh Muhzin Z., Dede Mahzuni, Kunto Sofianto, R.M. Mulyadi, Undang Ahmad Darsa
Journal Code: jpsejarahgg170005

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