Peranan Pasukan Cawangan Khas Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dalam Menangani Ancaman Komunis, 1968-1989

Abstract: Malaysia was one of the countries that faced the security threat of communist insurgency; inflicted by the Communist Party of Malaya (CPM) since 1948. Although having been defeated by the Malayan Security Forces in 1960, the CPM took their second opportunity by reviving their armed struggle, prompting the Second Malaysia Emergency in 1968 which lasted for almost 40 years. The success of the Malaysian Security Forces in the Second Emergency was based on meticulous implementation of intelligence services by the Royal Malaysian Police Special Branch (SB) Division, known for their high reputation and efficiency in counter-intelligence in the 1970s. This study focuses on the roles and functions of the Special Branch, primarily its intelligence strategies and tactics, which led to the defeat of the CPM in 1989.
Keywords: Cawangan Khas, Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM), Komunis
Penulis: Amer Fawwaz Mohamad Yasid
Kode Jurnal: jpsejarahdd160079

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