Abstract: This article concerns on nationalism that was within repatrian Suriname in 1947 and 1954. It was known as the "Mulih Njowo" Movement. The movement arouse due to various factors experienced by the contracted Javanese laborers in Suriname. One of those factors was nationalism. The existence of Javanese in Suriname was triggered by the policy of the Dutch Government, and as a process of diaspora. They migrated to a new place (Suriname), and interacted with the people there. However, they still had bonding emotion with Java. The movemnt’s participants felt close with their homeland, local traditions and also the official authorities in the region. It is found that Mulih Njowo Movement in 1947 and 1954 motivated by several factors; disappointment and discrimination from the Dutch Government; a hard life in Suriname; social status; unfair treatment by plantation overseer; stronger sense of nationalism; sense of belonging to Java Island which raises a yearning for the homeland, and a desire to build Indonesia as a new independent country.
Keywords: nationalism, movement, diaspora
Penulis: Susanti
Kode Jurnal: jpsejarahdd160151

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