Analisis Karakteristik Elektrik Limbah Kulit Singkong (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik Alternatif Terbarukan Untuk Mengisi Baterai Handphone

Abstract: The electrical characteristics of cassava peel can be determined by using electrode, a pair of electrode that used in this research is Cu-Zn. The measurement of the electrical characteristics of cassava peel had been done using a 1.2 watt LED load and when the load is released. Varieties of cassava which used are white cassava, genjah urang cassava and bassiro cassava. Electrolyte cel that used consists of 20 cells, which were arranged in series with volume 200 ml for one cell. The maximum voltage when the load is removed generated white cassava peel is 12.38 V, genjah urang cassava peel is 14.36 V, and bassiro cassava peel is 13.81 V. Type of cassava peel that has the best electrical characteristics to charge phone battery is genjah urang cassava peel. The test of handphone battery charging had been done when handphone was empty or couldn’t be turned on and when handphone battery had charged for two hours, it made the handphone on for 15 seconds after removed from the circuit.
Keywords: Cassava peel, electrolyte, Cu-Zn electrodes, the electrical characteristics
Penulis: Irsan, Amir Supriyanto, Arif Surtono
Kode Jurnal: jpfisikadd170098

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