Kualitas Perairan Sungai Brangkal Kabupaten Mojokerto Setelah Tercemar Limbah Kebakaran Berdasarkan Bioindikator Mikroalga

Abstract: Brangkal River is one of river where located in Mojokerto. Beritajatim.com has reported on Tuesday, August 18 that Brangkal River flow brings white foam which had about 20 cm in thickness and caused thousands fish getting dead. Foam flow comes from hazardous and poisonous      spilled which is presented by chemistry substance warehouse fire a day before Brangkal River contamination phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to understand water quality of Brangkal River after contaminated by fire waste based on microalgae as bioindicators. Sample was taken using purposive sampling. The result of this study indicates that microalgae had been discovered about 25 species. The highest abundance species value is the second stasiun. The lowest abundance species value is the third station. The highest diversity index value is the second station. The highest Domination index value is the second station. The conclusion is Brangkal River has heavy contaminated water quality
Keywords: Water Quality, Brangkal River, Bioindicator, Microalgae
Penulis: Nada Asmara Hanin, Rahmadania Febri Herlina, Ainun Nikmati Laily
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd160212

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