Abstract: Challenges in the Implementation of Character Education at School. This article discusses challenges in character education at school by integrating itinto every lesson. The integrated character education in every lesson in every level of education can be implemented in the instructional materials, processes, and learning evaluation. During the implementation, the selection and synchronizationof materials and types of characters to be developed are required in order to prevent the discrepancy or redundancy. In integrated character education, there are internal and external changes. The former come from the curriculum, mindset,teachers, principal, or even bureaucracy. The latter mainly come from the growthand advance of the information technology which can be directly accessed by the students. Due to all of those challenges, two approaches to facing them can be taken. The internal approach can be in the form of improving the understanding of character education by conducting a training/workshop, sharing ideas with others, and synchronizing the policy in education. The external approach can be adoptedby placing character education experts in the regulation sector and the mass-mediasupervisory board in general.
Keywords: character education, implementation, challenges
Penulis: Triatmanto
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd100230

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