Abstract: This study aims to
describe the profile of the physical fitness of Senior HighSchool students in
Kulonprogo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Territory. The resultsof the study are
expected to serve as inputs for physical education teachers in thelearning
assessment. The results can also be used by educational policy makers inthe
curriculum development to take into account of students’ needs. For students,the
results can be used in the reflection to improve their physical fitness and
thingsto consider in their active life. This study was a survey study employing
a test. The research population consisted of male and female students of Senior
High Schoolsin Kulonprogo Regency, Yogyakarta Special Territory. The sample
comprised 410 students from private and public Senior High Schools, consisting
of 235 malestudents and 175 female students. The sample was selected using the
multistagerandom sampling technique. The research variable was the profile of
the physicalfitness, which was collected using the Copper test by asking the
students to runaround the field for the 2.4 km. The data were analyzed by the
descriptive technique employing the percentage. The study concludes that the
students’ physical fitness is in the category of lack of physical fitness,
occupied by 232students (56.6%). The following suggestions are proposed. First,
further studiesshould involve other variables, not only the physical fitness,
such as the profile ofthe health, including the variables on the body fat,
level of glucose, tension and heartbeat. Second, further studies should use
other instruments, such as theMultistage Fitness Test or the test of stepping
up and down the bench as acomparison.
Penulis: Suharjana
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd080082