Abstract: The conceptual change model (CCM) provides teachers with an
opportunity to think about the best means to make students learn scientific
concepts for understanding. The learning process should be based on the
objective to facilitate the formation of students’ metacognitive ability so
that a learning process for a conceptual change can take place. A conceptual change
can take place because basically each individual confronts and evaluates the
newly acquired concepts in accordance with intelligibility, plausibility,
and fruitfulness. This article discusses
CCM and the possibility of students’ conceptual change to occur as a result of
science learning. Theoretically, CCM is supported by two factors, namely 1) the
status of a concept, explained in terms of intelligibility, plausibility, and
fruitfulness, and 2) the components of conceptual ecology, i.e. how an individual
determines the truth of a concept. The two factors have a great influence on
what students learn and how they evaluate the truth of an available concept.
Besides, a conceptual change, in some cases, occurs when students’ commitments
as learning outcomes are in agreement with conceptual ecology that they have
possessed or they can understand scientifically. Regardless of the types of
concepts that students hold, teachers have an obligation to create a learning
process that facilitates the formation of students’ metacognitive ability
because this is important for a conceptual change.
Penulis: Lily Barlia
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090141