Abstract: Emotional labor is
employee's ability to manage affect, and therefore his or her physiognomy and
physical gesture are publicly accepted. Emotional labor requires employee to
show pleasant behavior, such as smiling, and suppress the negative affect
especially when serving consumers. Indeed, it is very difficult since consumer
in service industry behaves haphazardly. Objective of this preliminary is to
discuss employee’s emotional labor situation. A cafe employee participates in
this qualitative research. He is asked to be a research subject since his
personal manager reported of frequent laziness when serving consumers. This
research revealed that the subject has considerable work experiences. Unfortunately,
he has less ability to manage his emotion when serving consumers. He is more
likely to adapt surface acting than deep acting in order to manage his emotion.
Penulis: Dian Yudhawati &
Sinta Mayasari
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd150087