Pengembangan strategi pembelajaran kolaboratif dalam Tim mahasiswa Kalimantan Barat
Abstract: Unparalleled
technological advances, escalating global competition, and other forms of
workplace turbulence have led to dramatic changes in the American economic
arena. Today, leaders in business and industry cite the ability to work
collaboratively as requisite to success in the worldwide economic environment.
However, research indicates that many students arrive on the college campus
with little or no experience in working as part of a team. Moreove, employers
indicate the today's entry-level workers lack this critical wokplace
competency. Through skillfull guidance, however, post secondary educators can
implement strategies that will help students learn how to work successfully as
part of team.
The objective of the present reseach is an establishment of the
collaborative teamwork learning strategyas well as its for teacher, students,
or bath of them. Therefore, the present reseacrh is carried out by (1) need
assessment about the beginning level of student;s collaborative teamwork; (2)
need assessment about teaching strategies that really carried out by lecturrers
in order to develop students' coollaborative team work capacity; (#) to
organize the collaborative teamwork teaching strategy; and (4) emperical
validation through field try out at the three univesity (FKIP Tanjungpura
University, STKIP-PGRI,and Tarbiyah Faculty of Muhammadiyah University).
Penulis: Harun Rasyid, M.
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd060040