ABSTRACT: Nowadays, education
tends to ignore the value of human being which consists of the liberation. The
liberation value in human individual is taken by another person who yells out
democracy. We can find the real fact in reality where one person takes another
person’s right through an institution with democracy and quality reasons. An
education scientist, Paulo Freire, gives an illustration that education today
through formal institution makes robot in human who work as mechanic machine,
where their independent to act and express the ideas is limited. In simple way,
Freire points out that, “The absolute consistency will make life becomes
worthless, discolor, and cannot be felt experience.” Based on the statement
above, Freire has deschooling concept, the concept of study without schooling.
It’s because the study can be done out of the formal school even in outdoor condition.
Penulis: Muh. Idris
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090153