Abstract: This study aims to:
(1) to map the problems in the development and implementation of KTSP on basic
education units (SD / MI and SMP / MTs) in Mataram, (2) map the resource
potential of Mataram city that supports the development and implementation of
educational level KTSP bottom. Methodologically, this research conducted
eclectic involving teachers and principals as the main subject and the
students, supervisors, school committees, and curriculum developers as an
informant. The selection of research subjects using the technique of stratified
cluster sampling quotas. Data collected by questionnaire, the study documents,
and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data.
Overall the data are analyzed quantitatively (simple percentages and tables)
and qualitatively through the three stages of data reduction, data display, and
conclusion drawing / verification. The results showed: (1) Problems in
developing and implementing KTSP the level of Primary Education in the City of
Mataram is not KTSP development refers to the potential and characteristics of
schools and the Vision, Mission, and school goals; choice of subjects is very
limited local content, and teachers' difficulties implement active learning and
innovative. (2) potential to be developed and implemented as local content
Mulok subjects in primary education level in the city of Mataram is the potential
socio-cultural and natural wealth Lombok area, production and packaging skills
of a local specialty, skills and crafts typical of the area Lombok, Lombok
history , regional dances, folk music and art
Penulis: Mumbrita Sulaimi
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd100257