Abstract: Sports are believed
to be an effective instrument to inculcate positive values for human
development. Sports provide learners with space to learn tolerance,
cooperation, perseverance, discipline, competitiveness, leadership, etc.
However, in reality this is not always the case, which makes experts in sports
education have a lot of concern. It is necessary to find a solution if there is
something wrong in sports education. It seems necessary to deconstruct and
reconstruct sports education at school. This article offers a sports learning
model called Sport-ed. There are two theoretical frameworks as the underlying
principles, namely the constructivist approach and the experiential learning.
From these perspectives, sports learning is expected to organize learners’
experience in the meaningful interpretation of social life. Values such as
honesty, tolerance, and moral should be
integrated into the basic structure of learners’ logic.
Penulis: Ali Maksum
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd090139