Abstract: Research on the
identity and future orientation of lesbians in Samarinda aims toreveal the
identity and description of future orientation lesbians. Researchers
usingqualitative research based on the phenomenological approach, the method of
collecting data in this study using observation and in-depth interviews in all
four subjects. Respondents were taken by purposive sampling, that the selection
of subjects in the study based on the characteristics that meet the objectives
that have beendefined.
The results showed that the four subjects had an idea of identity and
future orientation is different. On the subject of the first EA, factors
affecting self-identity EA is parenting parents, identifikas models, and
environmental homogeneity. Type status achieved identity is the identity moratorium
EA. Subject EA has a picture of a clear future orientation. On the second
subject NJ, factors that affect the self-identity is the subject NJ parenting
parents. Type status achieved NJ identity is identity achievement. Subject NJ
has a picture of a future orientation unfocused. On the subject of the third
FW, factors affecting the identity FW is the homogeneity of the environment.
Type status achieved FW identity is identity diffusion. Subject FW has a
picture of a clear future orientation. On the subject of the fourth ND, factors
affecting the identity status ND include parenting parents. Type ND status
achieved identity is the identity diffusion. Subject ND has a picture of a
clear future orientation.
Penulis: Devi Citra Yanti
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologikepribadiandd160013