MEMBANGUN MODAL SOSIAL MELALUI CREDIT UNION (Studi Kasus Credit Union Unggul Sejahtera di Desa Kendel, Kecamatan Kemusu, Kabupaten Boyolali, Provinsi Jawa Tengah)
Abstract: Kendel is a name
village of Boyolali district has capable preserving kejawen culture. Cultural
capital is elements of social capital, that is the thinking behind their
researchers to conduct when Credit Union
Unggul Sejahtera (CUUS) present to help manage economy for their area. The
purpose of research to explained about the role of social capital to make
benefit socio-economic members of CUUS.
Types and approaches of research is descriptive to explained CUUS as a
means learning of social capital. Analysis using a qualitative approach non
probability sampling. Unit of analysis is the Credit Union Unggul Sejahtera
(CUUS). The observation unit members and administrators of CUUS in Kendel
village. From the research that Rapat Anggota Tahunan (RAT) leads to depotism
for the benefit of local economic development. Violent symbolic representations
that are performed the management of very helpful when solve problems CUUS.
Kendel have capital social sufficient to conducting activities CUUS through
kejawen the value of cultural and islamist, so that capital strong social
developed toward which aims to salary through CUUS.
From the research it can be concluded money used as a new social capital
in order to maintain trust between individuals. CUUS could develop human capital
through the results of stimulus funds awarded to members with business
activities of snacks. Members can put aside money as needed so that it is
easier to manage finance is a result of new habitus. Background to make the
interaction more based on the reciprocity of the interaction process based on
three pillars CUUS, education, independent, and solidarity.
Penulis: Benny Kurniawan, Daru
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd130513