IN NI AIN: Kajian Sosio-Kultural Masyarakat Kei Tentang Konsep Hidup Bersama Dalam Perbedaan
Abstract: Ain Ni Ain
philosophy that symbolized as "fish" and " Bird" means
eventhough the people of Kei have classified into various groups, the
classification according by the powerinterest and regional, as well as the
interests of level, and religion, but they are one in apower- kinship. Even
fish comes from a small community though, it still able to adapt to the other
fisharound. It's a sign that, Kei people is easy to unite and to mingle with
others in selfconfidence. Also the egg-laying birds as a symbol of unextinction
people in Kei Islandswho will always have their descendant to inherit all the
ancestral deal about Ain ni Ain contained in Customary Law Larvul Ngabal.
That's the “fabric of society”of Kei Islands.
Penulis: Elly Esra Kudubun
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd160253