Efektivitas pelatihan ORS (Online Research Skills) untuk mendukung studi dan penelitian mahasiswa di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Abstract: The focus of this
research is to evaluate the effectiveness of Online Research Skill (ORS)
trainingprogram in supporting students to study and conduct their research at
UIN Maulana MalikIbrahim Malang. The purpose is to explore how effective the
ORS training in supporting theirstudy performance. This study used research
quantitative method with Kirkpatrick model approachadded. Kirkpatrick Model is
used to evaluate the effectiveness of ORS training program at the levelof
participants’ reaction and participants training process. In general, the
result of the study foundthat the training is effective, and by 86.5% have
contributed to the achievement of training objectives.However, the training
still needs some improvements, specifically the use of more advanced
mediatechnology for the next courses. Thus, based on those results, the
researchers recommend that the LIORScurriculum need to be revised/improved
based on participants’ views and SCONUL curriculum.
Penulis: Mufid, Ari Zuntriana
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasidd160389