Pemanfaatan Jagung Manis Dan Kulit Buah Naga Untuk Olahan Mie Kering Kaya Nutrisi

Abstract: The research was aimmed at studying (1) Determine the percentage of wheat flour, sweet corn and  skin dragon fruit right in the manufacture of dry noodles that can be accepted by consumers, and (2) Determine the influence of addition of sweet corn and rind of a dragon on the content of moisture, ash, protein, and preferences of consumers towards the parameters of color, flavor, elasticity, and sensory overall. The method used in this study is a factorial experimental design with two factors, namely the substitution treatment of sweet corn pasta and red dragon fruit skin extracts of the flour. Substitution of sweet corn used is 10%, 20% and 30%. Medium addition of dragon fruit peel extract of 5%, 10% and 15%. Each experiment carried repeat 3 times, so it will be acquired unit (unit) trial were 9 units trial. The data obtained were tested with the test Barlett diversity and additional data with Tuckey test. Furthermore, to see the value of the middle test treatment Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% level. The resulting dried noodles then analyzed the water content, ash protein, the overall sensory test. Results from the study if seen from the test sensory preferences overall, generally panelists prefer the treatment of sweet corn and dragon fruit with a concentration of 20%, 15% better than the taste, color and elasticity of noodles, while from the nutritional content of dried noodles sweet corn and dragon fruit SNI is in conformity with dry noodles.
Keywords: Sweet corn, dragon fruit peel, dried noodles
Penulis: Analianasari, Muhammad Zaini
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd160253

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