Karboksimetil Kitosan Menurunkan Degranulasi Mast Cell yang Diinduksi Oleh Ovalbumin

ABSTRACT: Ovalbumin is known as mast cell degranulating agent through the FCεRI aggregation. Carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCs), a biocompatible cationic polymer was evaluated to reduces mast cell degranulation induced by ovalbumin. In this experiment, wistar rats were darboxymethyl chitosan ivided into 5 groups which consist of 1 control group and 4 allergen groups. Among the allergen groups, 3 groups were treated with carboxymethyl chitosan/CMCs (doses : 0,25 mg, 0,50 mg and 1,00 mg) for 22 days. The result showed a significant (P<0,01) reduction in mast cell degranulation in allergen groups. This finding indicate that CMCs possesses antiinflammation activity mediated by reducing of mast cell degranulation.
Keywords: Carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCs), mast cell degranulation
Penulis: Mohamad Nur Ibrahim, Edi Widjajanto, Nur Permatasari, Akhmad Sabarudin
Kode Jurnal: jpkedokterandd090136

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