Desain Umur Bantalan Carrier Idler Belt Conveyor PT.Pelindo Li Bengkulu

Abstract: Bearing is one of important part of mechanical element, especially while two parts have relative motion. It is used in great variety of mechanical system, such as on vehicles or belt conveyor. Belt conveyor belongs to PT Pelido Bengkulu has problem with the life of bearing on its carrier idler, where their operation time’s is too short. The aim of this research is to find the life of ball bearing on belt conveyor in this company. Based on calculation, life of SKF 6005 ball bearing is 49,55 million revolution and 869,29 hours operation.
Keywords: Ball Bearing, Belt Conveyor, Carrier Idler
Penulis: Erinofiardi
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110154

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