Urgensi Independensi Dan Restrukturisasi Kekuasaan Kehakiman Di Indonesia

Abstract: Judicature as a point spear  of law enforcement and justice must be independent. The indendency  has to be guaranteed  by Constitution. However, the rules which stipulate on the constitution has to be formulated clearly in  order to achieve certainty. Besides that, independency has to be supported by institutions.  The raise of Judicial Commission will triggers the independency of judicature institutions. Furthermore, when in society it raised judicature institutions outside the conventional judicature, it needs a restruction of the institutions in order to structure of the institution which has the highes institution on the  Supreme Court.
Keywords: independensi, restrukturisasi, kekuasaan kehakiman
Penulis: Sri Hastuti Puspitasari
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd070014

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