ABSTRACT: PT X is a joint venture subsidiary of a bank in Indonesia, which is a company, engaged in general insurance business. PT X is required to increase its share of the parent company by the shareholders in developing its business potential. In developing the potential of the business, companies need enough information to be analyzed further. Sources of information that can be used is the businessdata of the company, both of PT X as a subsidiary and its holding company. By utilizing business datain large numbers, the company will find a variety of information needed. For the business data processing required a technique of data mining. In a study conducted, the implementation of the model refers to the six stages of Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining or commonly known by the acronym CRISP-DM. In doing data mining, the six phases of the CRISP-DM is business understanding, understanding the data, the data preparation, modeling, evaluation, and deployment. At this stage of deployment, the report will be made by the customer segmentation by region. The expected result is the information required in the form of a new customer pipeline.
Keywords: Data Mining, CRISP-DM, Customer Segmentation, Customer Pipeline
Penulis: Dina Feblian, Dadan Umar Daihani
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd160231

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