Abstract: In general aircraft are classified into two major categories: fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft which are commonly known as helicopters. The vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft is designed to be capable of both flying horizontally like a fixedwing airplane and also ascending and descending vertically and thus eliminates the needof a runway [1],[2],[3],[4]. At recently years, Ducted fan VTOL is most popular. Thereason behind that fact is the efficiency of power on the maneuver. This paper presents theresults of design and testing of coaxial rotor ducted fan VTOL UAV. Pitch and rollmoment of this vehicle will controlled with 2 independence control surface that’s attachedon the bottom of duct. The Ducted profile is applied to the system in order to improve theefficiency thrust at hovering state [3]. The goal of this design is to find optimized rotationspeed rotor and distance between rotors. The value of rotation speed and distance betweenrotors could be simulated in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analysis. The targetof this simulation is to find some combination minimum yawing moment and maximum thrust at specifics distance between each rotor. In order to validate this simulation andanalysis, we used dedicated platform that’s could sense thrust and roll, pitch, yawmoment.
Keywords: CFD; Ducted Fan; Fixed wing; rotary wing; VTOL
Penulis: M. Kartidjo, S.A. Nugroho2 & R.G. Jiniwangun
Journal Code: jptmesindd090203

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