Hubungan Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Perawat Tentang Pemberian Obat Terhadap Tindakan Pendokumentasian Keperawatan

Abstract: This research aims to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge and attitude of nurses on drug giving  in nursing documentation . The design of this research  was" descriptive correlative " with “cross-sectional " approach . This research was conducted in medical surgical room Eka Hospital Pekanbaru . Total sample was 58 people’s which taken using purposive sampling technique with attention to inclusion criteria. Measuring instruments used in this research is a questionnaire and observation sheet to measure knowledge , attitudes and actions. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate chi square test . The results showed the correlation between knowledge and attitudes about drug giving in nursing documentation ( p - value < 0.05 ). Nurses are expected to do drug giving in nursing documentation b medication according to Potter Perry’s standard (2010) is name of patien, name of drug, dose, time, and documentation, so there is no mistake in the act of drug giving.
Keywords: Knowledge, attitudes , actions , documentation
Penulis: Endang Epi Sri Sumarni, Gamya Tri Utami, Veny - Elita
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd140543

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