ABSTRACT: Vertigo is a feeling as if the patient moves or rotates , or as if the objects around the patient is moving or spinning, usually accompanied by nausea and loss of balance that can last several hours even for days - days . Balance disorders will make the patient impaired sense of comfort if the problem is not immediately addressed . At this time many developed alternative therapies , including vertigo ( canalit reposition treatment) to overcome vertigo .
This study aims to analyze the influence of gymnastics vertigo ( canalit reposition treatment) against the balance of the body in patients with vertigo . Design of this research is quasy Experimental studies using research design approach Static Group Comparison / Non Exuivalent Group Design that reveal a causal relationship by seeing the treatment group compared with the group of data control.Pengumpulan conducted through questionnaires and observation , then the data is processed and analyzed by using test statistikWilcoxondengan α 0.05 .
Based on the research that has been done obtained from Wilcoxon test in the treatment group obtained α = 0.000 . While the control group showed α = 0.003 This means the same – the same no influence between Gymnastics Vertigo ( Canalit reposition Treatment ) The Body Balance In Vertigo Patients . But there is a difference between the treatment group and the control group . Based on these results, the gymnastics Gymnastics Vertigo ( Canalit reposition Treatment) to give effect to the body balance in patients with Vertigo
We are confident that the Gymnastics Vertigo ( Canalit reposition Treatment) can be used in patients with balance disorders Vertigo in addressing the body as a chaperone therapy in addition to pharmacological therapy to overcome the interference sense of comfort .
Keywords: Vertigo , Vertigo Gymnastics , Balance body
Penulis: Eni Sumarliyah S.Kep.Ns,M.Kes, Suyatno Hadi Saputro S.Kep.Ns,M.Ked.Trop
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd150499

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