Abstract: Elderly regress both physical and psychological, that making it suspectable to stress. Many elderly people who left by their couple or husband getting stress because they have to face the difficulties of living alone, lack of attention from family, and lack of understanding of religion so that the elderly tend to experience stress.
Purpose:Determine the effectiveness of therapy to decrease the stress level of religion in the elderly widows in ChoirunisaPosyandu Central Klaten Klaten.
Research Design: The research design of this study which is used is quantitative study by a quasi-experimental approach to non-equivalent control group. In collecting the data using sampling technique with the purposive sampling . There are some instruments that can be used in collecting the data, namely questionare and interview. After all of the data are collected, the writer were analyzed by independent t-test test statistict. Research was 11 June 2012 until19 July 2012.
Results: Result showed the effectivity of religious therapy to the stress level reduction of elderly widows on their first stress level measurement resulted 17 elderlies (94,4%) mild stress and 1 elderly (5,6%) moderate stress, after they got religious therapy it became 16 elderlies (88,9%) were not stress and 2 respondents mild stress (11,1%). Pretest for the control group resulted 18 respondents (100%) had a mild stress. Posttest for the control group resultted 6 elderly (33,3%) had not stress and 12 respondents (66,7%) had a mild stress. The ststistic analysis resulted P value = 0.000; α = 0.05.
Conclusion: The religious therapy is effective to decreasing stress of widow elderly
Keywords: religious therapy, elderly, and stress
Penulis: Sri Handayani
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd140414

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