Efektifitas pendidikan kesehatan terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan remaja tentang dampak merokok

Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of health education to the increasing knowledge about the effects of smoking teen. This research method, Quasi-experimental, with a pre-post study design with control group test. 74 samples were taken by using Quota  sampling technique. Measuring instrument used was a questionnaire with multiple choice questions. The analysis used univariate analysis with frequency distribution, and by using a bivariate dependent T test (paired sample test). The results showed that health education has a significant effect on the increase in knowledge about the effects of smoking adolescents p value 0.000. Based on these results suggestions for health workers to conduct health education in order to improve the knowledge of adolescents.
Keywords:  health education, level of knowledge, adolescent, cigarettes
Penulis: Salaman Alfarisy, Agrina , Widia Lestari
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd140345

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