ABSTRACT: The problems in this research is the development of teaching material for writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX. The subproblems are divided into: (1) how is the extent of learning characteristic of writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX, (2) how is the development of writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX, (3) how is the effectiveness of learning material for writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX. The purposes of this research are: (1) to decribe the characteristics of short stories on the subject of writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX, (2) to develop the characteristics of short stories on the subject of writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX, (3) determine the effectiveness of teaching material on the subject of writing short stories containing ethical themes for students of class IX
This study used research and development approach by applying a tenstep implementation, referring to the theory of Borg and Gall (2002:571) which are summarized into seven steps. Based on the research analysis and discussion, it is summarized into some conclusions; (1) a description of short stories characteristics in learning writing short stories containing ethical values for IX grade students, which includes (a) a description of short stories characteristics based on the short stories conditions, (b) a description of short stories characteristics based on the theme, setting, plot, characters, and the types of short stories, (c) a description of teaching materials characteristics in writing short stories is based on the book’s cover like the shape, the size, and thickness of books. (d) a description of teaching materials characteristics in writing short stories is based on the language used in the book. (e) while in the supporting aspect.
Key words: Improvement of teaching, writing short stories, character building.
Penulis: Agus Wismanto
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd130197

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